Tuesday, June 3, 2014

still in the game

sorry about the lack of updates lately, everybody! those of you who've been following my thread on linemarvel know what's up, but for the rest of you, i recently came down with a nasty case of food poisoning. it kept me out for about 4 days straight, and getting back into the groove of working has been tricky with all of the things going on for me lately. no need to worry about me though, i'm feeling great again now.

as far as Crisis Point goes, progress is beginning once again. i started animating the sex scene with bluedude tonight. it's not ready to show yet, but that could possibly come tomorrow, depending on how much time i get to work.

my plans for the sex scenes are to animate them with 4 frames each - similar to how Parasite in City and many other games do it. back in the days of maplesim, i usually worked with 4 or 6, depending on the animation. the reason for focusing on the smaller number is not because it's "the popular thing" to do, but because it's very practical. 4 frames is exactly enough to get smooth, sexy motion while avoiding putting too much effort in to it. the less time i have to spend on one individual animation, the more enemies i can implement.

anyway, i don't really have much to talk about at this point, so i'll just clarify a few points.

1) Crisis Point: Extinction will not be a free game. all demos and betas will be free (of course), but the final product will cost money. i haven't decided how much yet, but i'm leaning towards $15.

2) despite costing money, the DRM will be almost nonexistent. i refuse to hurt the people who buy my games legitimately through faulty DRM that won't even stop pirating. i hope the majority of you will choose to buy it rather than torrent it, though.

3) this is more of a question than anything. how would all of you feel about a donation button? money is tight as ever for me right now, but i'd love to be able to focus on this project (and any future ones) more. if donations could keep me afloat, i'd put all of that money towards making the game sooner and making it better.

well, that's all for today, not much else to say for the moment. i'll have some real updates for you guys soon.

EDIT: got a work-in-progress animation for ya, let me know what you all think! (note that a lot of detail isn't quite finished yet. i just wanted to actually get a visual update for everyone who's been waiting patiently)


  1. 1) Seems a reasonable price.
    2) Don't worry, I won't torrent it :D
    3) I think every game development blog that promises to do work of quality such as yours, should have a donation button.

    1. 1) awesome.
      2) more awesome!
      3) aww, thanks <3 i'll do my darnedest not to let you down

  2. I know I may sound off track of the game for this moment, but donations are fine, but can you take donations toward maplesim scenes/ game works? I will most likely buy the game currently being made, but I would also be fine with throwing a few dollars or so to the maplesim project to being back etc. As for the game, I am anticipating the game to be amazing so can't wait to see what's next in store for this.

    1. not right now. i want to focus on this game instead of being dragged back to maplesim. i know people like it, and i'll probably go back to it someday, but i can't realistically make money off of maplesim. it's not my content and making money, even 'donations', off of an existing thing like maplestory is treading into murky legal waters i don't want to have to be worried about.

    2. Dang, I'd be willing to pay or donate for the maple sim updates as well. ;/

  3. Animation is looking good. Price seems fair but guess that could be debatable by some who may try to compare with Kyr at $5. Donations I can see working out if people have high faith but worse scenario no one donates Id assume?

    1. if people want to compare it to kyrieru then they can think about it in these terms: 3x the price for 3x the pixels :P there are PLENTY more games that are infinitely more amateur than mine that are the same price, if not higher. i'm not worried about it not being worth $15.

      glad you like the animation. i'll most likely be setting up donations in the next few days, in the hopes of being able to focus on the project more.

    2. Perhaps an idea to help draw some donations, a poll of enemies and possible positions that a person could pick for you? EX: Enemy B - Position C kinda deal. Just a thought.

      Do agree, you do seem to have the size over him which I can appreciate a lot XD

  4. It looks really good, though it does seem like it needs a little bit more detail.
    (I.E. The nipple should be a bit smaller, the hand caressing her backside needs more detail, and the pixels under the blush on her face should be darkened since they're so pale she looks like she's foaming at the mouth.)

    That's just my opinion though, as you said; you've got some detailing left to do.
    I also concur with the donation notion though, since it seems really solid.

    Good luck with your endeavors, I'm genuinely looking forward to this!

    1. nipple's not gonna get any smaller, sorry. it's crazy hard to make it any smaller than that while still keeping a good, round shape, and i also don't like it when they get too small. i think they're a good size in comparison to her breasts. thanks for your opinion, though.

      hand on her backside is one of the parts i haven't gone over yet, so yeah. it looks bad. such is the result of rotating sprites.

      pixels under her mouth are teeth. darkening them would look bad, trust me. once i started using that style of mouth spriting, i tried SO many variations of it and this was by far the best i could come up with. and i don't want to get rid of them, as not having teeth there looks odd to me, but maybe that's just my opinion.

      anyway, thanks for your opinions. glad you're enjoying the project

  5. 50$ from me, when I see a maplesim donation button,
    You have my word
