Sunday, May 25, 2014

new prototype

hey all. sorry updates have been slow, i've been mostly working on stuff behind the scenes that nobody cares about. like the programming, lol. on a related note, new prototype time!

new features include ramps, improved movement coding, a full aiming+shooting system, sound effects, and a second, half naked set of animations. in other words, almost all basic functions are now implemented and fully functional. controls are as follows:

arrow keys - movement and aiming
Z key - jump (hold down and press to jump through thin platforms)
X key - shoot (only 3 bullets are allowed onscreen at once)
C key - diagonal aim (holding this key forces you to aim diagonally, pressing up or down changes which direction)
H key - switch between fully clothed and half naked
F4 - fullscreen
Escape - close

no h-scenes yet, but i'll be working on those soon. hope you enjoy what's there at least, and let me know if there are any bugs.



  1. I have to say my friend, you work very fast. So far, the animations are smooth. The controls aren't complex, and even more, they're fluid. You've got a keeper on your hands thus far.

  2. The only slight issue I have is with the jump up animation, it looks like her ponytail hair is going up as if she is falling? Maybe I am just not looking at it right?

    1. Actually, after checking, its only the half-undressed where it looks off.

    2. that was an oversight, someone else pointed it out as well. it'll be fixed in the next prototype, thanks.

  3. smooth fluid animations, but controls are abit awkward

    1. elaborate. everyone else has thought the game controlled smoothly. i can't fix anything without more specific information.

  4. I like it! I have noticed a bug, where when I use the down arrow to aim down diagonally, the C key then aims my gun down as well, instead of up.

    1. not a bug, it's completely intentional. it allows you to continue aiming either diagonally up or diagonally down by holding c, depending on which way you want to aim. it saves the last direction you pressed so that the c key aims that way until you tell it to do otherwise.

  5. Game looks good so far. Animations are smooth and appear to be bug free.

    A suggestion for you is to maybe allow the protagonist to crouch. It's one of my pet peeves in metroidvania platformers and is especially annoying when there are enemies that are really short or small, which can only be killed by walking up close to them.

    1. crouching was implemented a while ago lol, it's just not in this prototype. glad you like it.
