Monday, August 8, 2016

v.23 release

(This is a direct copy/paste from Patreon, where the update went live last night)

So v.23 is finally finished. After I finish writing up this post, I'll be sending out a manual link to everyone who has pledged at the appropriate tiers since v.22 came out - just in case people stopped pledging during this period. To those of you still pledging, however, I'll post a download link to the game in another post shortly that you can access it from as well!
The changelog for this update is a lot smaller than I would have liked, considering how very long it took. Unfortunately, most of that time I wasn't able to actively develop the game - thus this update isn't quite the culmination of several months of effort. However, I tried to prioritize some of the more substantial elements, and hopefully you guys will still be able to find a lot to love about it (like the new voices for sprite sex scenes)! In any case, I'll have a full month of uninterrupted work to develop the next update, since things in my personal life have calmed down. I'm confident that it will be a much more substantial update than this one.
UPDATE v.23 CHANGES-Warped Soldier CG/Game Over scene added-Implement new powerup (flamethrower)-All of Alicia's ingame voice clips replaced by Alicia's official voice actress-Fix more minor issues 
As for next month..
UPDATE v.24 GOALS-Finish BE H-animations for Warped Sentry-Finish gamepad menu controls and options-Warped Scientist CG/Game Over scene added-Implement new powerup-Allow enemies + certain environment pieces to catch on fire via Flare Shot-Add extra polish/more variety to new voice clips-Create more content (areas)-Fix more minor issues
As you can probably tell, my plans if nothing else are definitely a bit more ambitious. I feel like I need to make the dead air up to you guys though, so I'm gonna try my best to get it all done.
Well, that's enough from me for today. Thank you all so much for your support, as always - and I hope you enjoy v.23!-A42 

UPDATE v.23 MINOR ISSUES-Alicia can no longer kick beyond room boundaries-Alicia can no longer remove status effects by briefly masturbating-Alicia should not longer get stuck inside low ceilings during certain actions-Riding a moving platform into a wall should no longer cause Alicia to get stuck-Being mid-sex animation while screen transitioning no longer locks Alicia's animations-Opening and closing the map underwater should no longer reset Alicia's in-water state-Insect BE scenes should be functional again-Jump key to end the boss' GO scene should now function properly-Holding down while jumping will allow you to pass through ghost platforms without landing on them-New logo added to menu-Pausing and unpausing will no longer cause nearby doors to close (possibly on top of Alicia)-Pausing and unpausing should no longer cause certain breakables to be destroyed

That update is available now for anyone pledged $10 or higher. There are a few minor bugs in it, but nothing too gamebreaking has been discovered yet. As for everyone who hasn't been a patron recently; now that I finally finished this update, I'll be posting a recording of the Tentacle GO scene soon - I wanted to focus on getting this update out first, but I wanted to post that afterwards so you all know what to expect from the GO scenes. Every enemy will have one, and they're all fully voice acted (not including the hellhound scene, which will unfortunately not have voice acting per Diana's request), with CGs by LustFire. For those of you worried that a Game Over scene will give the player incentive to die against every new enemy they encounter, don't worry - in a future update, you'll also be able to access the scenes by killing that enemy type ONCE, and then it'll pop up in a gallery accessible from the pause menu. No need to even go back to the main menu; once implemented, you'll be able to kill the enemy, watch the scene from the menu, and then continue on right where you left off no worse for the wear.


  1. you know your saying release but not what kind of one p.s you forgot you been telling us of a public release and never did it just saying

    1. I'm sorry? I stated a long time ago that every update post-v.13, until the final game comes out, is Patreon only. There is no upcoming playable public release. Eventually I'll be releasing an updated demo with all of the polish that has been added in the Patreon-only releases, but there won't be any new content in it. I don't know where you got the idea that there's a new public release coming, but that simply isn't the case.

  2. yes but if you look back at some point you mess up a public and told us so and do not fix so why is that at lest fix that one for your fans or your fans can lose hope in you this happens to many who do work like yours when they say they will do something and do not do it they lose fans hell even I all most stop coming here cuz of that but I had hope for you to make up for it

    1. p.s I am the same guy as the one you talked to last time

    2. There was no "messed up public release" at any point in time. The latest public version, v.13, obviously has some problems - it's a beta, of course it's got bugs. And yes, I did say I was going to try and support it after it came out, which I didn't really end up doing. I apologize for that. However, aside from a few outstanding bugs (like the control remapping bug), there's nothing horribly gamebreaking, and I'll still be fixing as much of it as I can at some point in the future when it comes time to do a real, polished demo.

      Time has a way of getting away from you when you're the entire driving force behind a project and there's only one other guy working with you who does a tiny fraction of the work in comparison. I'm sorry I haven't been on top of supporting the v.13 public release, but I don't think it's very fair to villainize me so much over this one thing, especially when I've been developing the game almost nonstop for years and keeping you guys in the loop as much as I can - though to be fair, I could post more often here on the blogspot, most of my non-Patreon activity goes to ULMF.

      In any case, v.13 is perfectly playable as it is now and I've been having a hell of a time keeping up with my duties to the game just making NEW content with all the shit life has been throwing at me lately, let alone to also support an older version of the game that I haven't touched in over a year. I'm sorry that I haven't provided bug fixes to the last public demo yet, but please understand that working as an almost-solo developer isn't exactly an easy gig.

    3. So, I've been following this game for a while, and I'm wondering about something...First, are you even alive anymore? The last post was in 2016...Where you at? Second, I've seen quite a few patreon people release their COMPLETED H-games for free once they are completely finished...(Like what Wolfenstahl is doing...he releases the previous update publicly whenever a new one hits patreon...Maybe do that.) Have you given any thoughts to that? I do understand that you are practically working alone on this but if you appease those who WANT to donate but can't because of credit card issues or other issues that prevent them from donating even if they wanted to (like me, I want to, but my bank doesn't accept Patreon or any site besides Amazon as "legitimate"...believe me, I sat on the phone for 45 minutes trying to get them to make an exception, and no dice.) So for people like me who are completely unable to donate to you even if they wanted to, a public release would be generous of you. (Note, I'm not saying give the whole game. Just the previous update, like what Wolfenstahl's doing. That'd be very nice of you, and it'd make other patrons see you as a venerable gent, and they might donate even more.) ...Just some food for thought.

    4. I'm still alive, despite life's best efforts. I don't really post here much anymore because of the extreme negativity I've gotten every time I tried to in the last few posts. Crisis Point is currently on v.26, though things have been slow lately for numerous reasons. I update often on my patreon, and almost all of my posts there are publicly viewable even without pledging.

      I'm sorry to hear about the issue your bank gives you with Patreon, but I did do public updates a month behind up until v.13, which is when I made the decision to stop. At that point, the game was roughly 35% "content complete", which I felt was a pretty hefty amount of gameplay to decide whether or not they like the game enough to donate for betas, or purchase it once it comes out. That being said, we're in the middle of reworking many of the game's assets and mechanics to be prettier and more enjoyable (The Great Rework™), and once that's done I plan on releasing another public demo, with roughly the same amount of content as the last public demo (v.13), but all of the new artwork, game over scenes, and polish from the newer versions. As of now, that's the last public demo I plan on releasing until the game is completely finished, at which point I'll release an "official demo" of the game in its final state, with however much content I feel like it needs to have.

      The final version of Crisis Point will be a purchased game, not free - I'm planning on either a $15 or $20 pricepoint (probably $20 on dlsite, $15 elsewhere) - and because of that, releasing every version of the game to the public eventually would provide people little to no reason to pledge or purchase the game. Every update post and livestream I do is available publicly, the development of Crisis Point is extremely transparent and you can follow it easily even without pledging. The only things locked behind Patreon are playable beta updates. Again, I'm really sorry that you have bank problems that prevent you from pledging, but I have no plans on giving out playable updates for free again.
