Sunday, December 20, 2015

Warped Sentry reveal

Time for the real post I mentioned! The last few days of streaming have been dedicated to this lady:

This is the Warped Sentry. Much like the Soldier and Scientists, she was a member of the military that was sent to this planet to assist in finding a cure for the virus. Until the planet had its way with her. Now she's just as lust-filled as the rest of the inhabitants. It also had the added effect of giving her a bit of a mutation. She's packing something under those pants, and she's not afraid to use it..

Despite the mental overwrite, she still knows how to use her weapons, though; she'll create a blockade in tight corridors with her riot shield to prevent Alicia from passing by until she's defeated. If you try to get too close to her, she'll hit you hard with a shield bash, knocking Alicia over in just one hit. If you leave her alone long enough, though, she'll pull her shield back and try to hit you with her SMG - it's not a very powerful weapon, though, and it presents the best opportunity to attack her early on. Later powerups could prove to make the shield a bit easier to bypass, as well.

The Warped Sentry will be available as of v.19, the update that's being worked on right now. With any luck, she'll have all of her H-scenes available right from the start - I'm certainly aiming for it! If all goes according to plan, this update will have a whopping 5 new H-animations compared to v.18, which is by far the biggest increase in the history of CPE's development.

Well, that's all from me for now. I'll share one of her H-scenes before the update comes out, as well as a look at the game's new menus - and I should have some other good news to share soon as well!

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