Sunday, May 18, 2014

thoughts of plots

im trying to design an outfit for this girl - who, until further notice, i am planning on using as the player character. to design her an outfit, im trying to figure out exactly WHO she is and what her goal is. im having a hard time with that part; making it believable and relatable, but still make the ultimate goal to have sex. i dont want the gameplay to be 'in the way' of enjoying the sex scenes like most H-games are.

with that said, here is my current idea:

once humankind gained the ability to travel to the stars, men were sent to new planets in an attempt to colonize and expand humanity's grasp. the plan backfired, and resulted in all males being wiped from existence/going MIA. as one of the most capable females remaining, you are sent to one of these planets in an attempt to find and rescue any surviving men, and find out what happened to them. this story would result in two possible endings - one where you avoid "alien" rape, save any men you find, and repopulate the human race. the other ending would be a scenario where, after having enough sex with the "alien" races you find on this planet, you create a sort of hybrid race between them and humans - humankind as we know it disappears, and is replaced by this hybrid race.

my goal with this ideal is that, if you simply want to play and enjoy all sex scenes, getting raped by aliens is NOT a detriment to the player. it will not kill you, you can see the sex scenes without dying, the only difference is that you will get an alternate ending. also of importance is that this ending is NOT considered a "bad" ending, just different. the 'pure' human ending would be more of a challenge ending. there would be no real content you wouldnt be able to see without doing it, but its there for players who enjoy the gameplay and want the challenge of avoiding rape.

how would you guys feel about it? does it sound like a feasible plot idea? i dont want the plot to be as paper-thin as most h-games are, although im not going for anything jrpg-deep. if you have any suggestions on how it could be improved, just plain like/dislike it, let me know.



  1. Sounds okay to me. Granted even with RPG Maker and such I have a horrible time coming up with an actual story haha.

  2. Idea sounds cool but how would you incorporate gameplay? Would it be a linear side scrolling game or have top down rpg aspects to it?

    One more thing...

    I don't wanna be that guy, but if I were to take apart maple sim and recover the files for you. Would you consider to continue to work on it?

    1. i would consider it, sure. getting back all of the art assets is the biggest pain. i have to save screenshots of the 0.7 release, recover what i can from that, and then redraw whatever's missing. if you can recover the art assets in their entirety id be much more likely to consider continuing the project at some point.

      as far as gameplay for this game goes, it would be a sidescroller, probably very Metroid-like. i plan on giving her a gun (especially considering the setting is futuristic) to fight back with, and it will most likely have octadirectional aiming, much like the Metroid sidescrollers. obviously everything is still up in the air right now, but that is what im leaning towards currently.

    2. Least on the upside, while I have no issue with you continuing work on Maplesim. With this game you could easily sell it if its made well enough.

    3. Like I was saying before (sorry was on anon) I could decompile the maple sim and retrieve your lost assets. Then only thing that can't be recovered is the coding from what I remember. It was made that way to protect games that were built on Game Maker. I'll email you the details and I'm not sure if you remember but I've sent you a few things before and had one or two chats with you over msn messenger. Don't want you to think that I'm a suspicious person lol

  3. Ignore this over-scientific analysis, but impregnation from an alien race is simply not plausible; our DNA wouldn't be anywhere nearly as similar to produce offspring. In fact, you'd have exponentially better chances reproducing with a gorilla.

    However... Bacteria have a rather unique ability to "steal" genes from other bacteria... What if "impregnation" is explained via a couple of scientists' files as not necessarily sexual reproduction in our mammalian sense, but the alien seed travels into the egg where it convinces the ovaries that you have become pregnant, and pushes the egg to the womb where the seed feeds on the nutrients a vagina holds until birth.

    The resulting offspring only take on mutations of human DNA, but are still mostly alien instead and don't seem to carry any of the mothers mitochondrial DNA.

    Or you could just not be sciency... I dunno.
