Sunday, June 29, 2014


hey everybody, big update: the patreon campaign has begun!

updates posted here on my blog from now on will be behind. i know a lot of you are used to following me here, and you're more than welcome to keep doing that, but backing on patreon will be the only way to get up-to-date information - there wouldn't be much point to backing it otherwise. however, it'll only cost $1 per game update to get all of the information i post, and for $10 ($5 if you're fast enough to get the early-access tier) you can get access to the newest prototype downloads and development livestreams, as well.

please forgive the early stages of the campaign if things are a little messy. i'm still figuring out how to use the site, so it might be a little rough around the edges, but i'll figure things out and get it running smoothly asap. hope to see you there!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

update + patreon status

been a while since i posted a public update, so i figured i'd shoot up a post showing off some of what i've been working on. sex, sex, sexy sex. incomplete sex, but still sex. so yes, that means no comments about the gravity-defying hair please and thank you. the scene is implemented ingame and fully voiced, but that update won't be posted for a while so you'll just have to be patient <3

in other news, i'm starting a Patreon profile! for those of you who've never heard of it, Patreon is a magnificent website that functions sort of like Kickstarter, but rather than setting an end date for funding, it's delivered on a per-update (or monthly) basis. this means you can sign up to donate $1, $5, $10, or any number you choose to a creator - and every time they post an update (or the month comes to an end,) you'll gain access to said update and your pledge will be sent to them automatically. you gain access to reward tiers based on the amount you offer (the cheapest usually being just $1) and you can cancel your pledge or change the amount at any time. it's fucking great. personally, i'll be using the per-update model, as i feel it's more fair to the people pledging, ensuring i won't be getting your money if i'm not delivering any updates.

my hope for this is that it will be more convenient for people who want to donate, as well as cheaper, and that it can bring me one step closer to making a living off of Crisis Point and future projects. the semi-negative is that, to make pledging worthwhile, once the Patreon campaign starts, i won't be updating here or on ulmf as frequently. the good news is that the basic reward tier will be only $1, and gets you access to all the basics: namely, the newest updates and information on development. hopefully you guys will understand why i'm choosing to do this. i'd love to make the development of these games a priority for me, and Patreon is a fantastic and user-friendly way for me to make that happen.

so yeah. yadda yadda crowdfunding and all that. progress on Crisis Point is proceeding steadily, mostly working on a lot of behind the scenes stuff you guys wouldn't find all that interesting like level transitions, world map design, enemy coding, etcetera etcetera. so while i work on all that jazz, you sit here and enjoy the animation! really happy with the way her tits turned out, myself.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Crisis Point: Extinction - v.01

update time!

Crisis Point: Extinction - v.01

controls are as follows:

arrow keys - movement and aiming, struggle when knocked down/being raped
Z key - jump (hold down and press to jump through thin platforms)
X key - shoot (only 3 bullets are allowed onscreen at once)
C key - diagonal aim (holding this key forces you to aim diagonally, pressing up or down changes which direction)
H key - switch between fully clothed and half naked
E key - spawn blue enemy at mouse cursor
1/2/3 keys - switch between blaster upgrade levels
F4 - fullscreen
Escape - close


new features.. too many to remember, honestly. there's a pretty good chunk of stuff though, so i'll list off what i remember.

-basic enemy "chase" AI is implemented, though incomplete.
-the rape scene is fully functional, including struggling, escape, voices, sound effects, and enemy climax (the climax IS NOT FULLY ANIMATED yet, so no complaints about that, please.)
-double jumping
-finished jumping animation
-upgradable weapon, increases damage done per shot
-crouching system
-player can be knocked down; no health or deaths yet
-minor animation glitches fixed
-(partially incomplete) background art

there's still a bit of stuff missing, mainly with the half-clothed animations, but everything should be functioning perfectly (note that the tentacle plant doesn't do anything yet, it just animates).

thanks again to all of you on the blog for your words of support, and to those kind few of you who donated: you have my eternal gratitude! i'm feeling reinvigorated and motivated to keep working again, and i owe it all to you guys. these last couple of weeks have been rough, with one thing after another going wrong, but things are starting to look up!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

feeling.. trapped

i know most of you probably don't care, but i'm sure this is an issue a lot of us deal with at some point in our lives. i'm feeling very trapped.

on one hand, there is Crisis Point, the thing i want to do. on the other hand is maplesim, what the majority of you want me to make. i'm going to be honest here. i need money. desperately. we don't have enough to make rent this month and i'm selling about half of the stuff i own to try and make up for it. somebody just offered me $50 in donations to start working on maplesim again.. meanwhile, not a single donation has shown up for crisis point. as much as i want to keep working on it, i can't expect to see any money for it for months, at the very least. it's an ambitious project and my only hope of income from it is finishing the game and hoping to god people buy it instead of pirating. meanwhile, people are already lining up to donate to maplesim.

maplesim robs me of creativity. it is literally there purely for the sake of fapping. art, game design, enemy design.. all of it exists within maplestory already. i have no creative control over anything but the sex scenes, and for a game designer like myself.. it's depressing, quite honestly. even if you ignore the uncertain legal waters i'd be getting myself into by asking for donations to maplesim, i still have no freedom with the project. i can't make the game of my dreams with it - or even a game i'm interested in. it would be purely for the money.

crisis point is so much fun to work on. i have unlimited arristic and design creativity with it. i can literally go anywhere and do anything with it and nobody can really say otherwise, there are no rules. but as much as i love it, fun doesn't pay my bills.. i'm feeling trapped. not sure where to go from here. :/

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


donation button? donation button. i added one on the upper right of the blog, seeing as everyone so far thought it was a good idea. nobody is obligated in the slightest to donate, but i wanted to lay down some clarification for those who choose to donate.

all donations sent to me, until further notice, will be used to further the development of Crisis Point: Extinction. this includes helping me pay for rent, food, and general life things, which will lower my need to work a 9-5 job and increase my free time. that free time will be spent working on my h-game projects, which will both speed up the development time and allow me more time to improve them. this means more enemies, more/better animations, more content - general improvements to everything.

to clarify, donating to the development is NOT the same as purchasing it. Crisis Point: Extinction will be a paid title, and i'm currently aiming to release it for a price of $15 - this number could change, however, if i feel that the price is too high or too low as development continues. i doubt the price will go any higher than that, though. i want it to be affordable enough that nobody feels the need to pirate it, as the more purchases i get, the more games i can make for you guys in the future!

anyway, i don't have any updates for the game right now. i've been playing a lot of Infamous: Second Son since the animation update, so i haven't gotten to work on it much. i just wanted to make sure everyone knows what the donations are and what they will be used for so nobody ends up feeling ripped off. if you have any questions before donating, feel free to ask them and i'll respond as soon as i can. thanks for all the support everybody!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

still in the game

sorry about the lack of updates lately, everybody! those of you who've been following my thread on linemarvel know what's up, but for the rest of you, i recently came down with a nasty case of food poisoning. it kept me out for about 4 days straight, and getting back into the groove of working has been tricky with all of the things going on for me lately. no need to worry about me though, i'm feeling great again now.

as far as Crisis Point goes, progress is beginning once again. i started animating the sex scene with bluedude tonight. it's not ready to show yet, but that could possibly come tomorrow, depending on how much time i get to work.

my plans for the sex scenes are to animate them with 4 frames each - similar to how Parasite in City and many other games do it. back in the days of maplesim, i usually worked with 4 or 6, depending on the animation. the reason for focusing on the smaller number is not because it's "the popular thing" to do, but because it's very practical. 4 frames is exactly enough to get smooth, sexy motion while avoiding putting too much effort in to it. the less time i have to spend on one individual animation, the more enemies i can implement.

anyway, i don't really have much to talk about at this point, so i'll just clarify a few points.

1) Crisis Point: Extinction will not be a free game. all demos and betas will be free (of course), but the final product will cost money. i haven't decided how much yet, but i'm leaning towards $15.

2) despite costing money, the DRM will be almost nonexistent. i refuse to hurt the people who buy my games legitimately through faulty DRM that won't even stop pirating. i hope the majority of you will choose to buy it rather than torrent it, though.

3) this is more of a question than anything. how would all of you feel about a donation button? money is tight as ever for me right now, but i'd love to be able to focus on this project (and any future ones) more. if donations could keep me afloat, i'd put all of that money towards making the game sooner and making it better.

well, that's all for today, not much else to say for the moment. i'll have some real updates for you guys soon.

EDIT: got a work-in-progress animation for ya, let me know what you all think! (note that a lot of detail isn't quite finished yet. i just wanted to actually get a visual update for everyone who's been waiting patiently)